Yupppppp.... It's been three weeks and everyone is still talking about it!!! The Unsigned Explosion Tour was back at it AGAIN on the road hitting Boston & Connecticut : June 29th & 30th with talented 9 unsigned artist: Dox, Komplex, Worldarama, Raymond PSG, Young Dom, LQ The King, Young Boogs, Jimmie Bones, Sapphire Monet and Coast to Coast DJ: DJ N.O.; all from New York. Two that stuck out to me off bat- Young Dom (of TMO) because he brought his crew with him, camera man included and the ONLY FEMALE - Sapphire Monet on the tour who sings "Funk Rock", staff and a few artist brought a family &/or team member(s). This time around things went much smoother and the atmosphere was built on support and showing love to each other; as if we all knew each other before going on tour (though a few of us knew one another from prior events, home town or the last tour.) During boarding of the tour bus we all greeted one another, talked and took pictures.
Tour life here we come ... 22 of us boarded the tour bus in Brooklyn Saturday morning for our first stop; which was the Comfort Inn in Connecticut. My seat was at the front of the bus but truth be told most of the action / excitement was at the back of the bus. All the artist were excited and talking amongst one another: about the last tour, venues they would be performing at this tour, who they know and "music" (the one thing we all have in common). Within the first half an hour Cal took out his camera: getting drops from all the artist on the tour bus and taping them as they did open freestyles. LQ The King set it off something serious! Bars for days!! Literally. The tension began to silently build as Cal went from artist to artist giving them the spotlight individually.
Before we got to the hotel we made a lunch/ dinner stop to the "Golden Corral" once we got into Boston. As we got off the bus I noticed some people going to "Boston Market" instead ...I chose to go follow the majority. Boyyyy was I in "Fat Girl Heaven" lol. They had so many choices and the deserts were amazing. They even had a chocolate fountain that you could dip marshmallows, strawberries,cookies & whatever else you wanted, let's not forget the blue cotton candy to top it off. I sampled a few things but was more interested in what everyone else was doing and how the night would turn out. I ended up sitting with the bus driver, Shabar. I got acquainted with him and quickly learned that he was a joker "don't invade his space" * tour inny* . We ate, took pictures and was back on the tour bus heading to the hotel, to get ready for the show in a few hours.
Once we made it to the hotel, I got my room and the fun began: Music blasting, bottles popping from a few rooms, and some hunted for "extra activities" ..... Within 15 minutes of us being there I could hear a few of the artist in the hotel hallway talking, laughing, trying to find out what rooms staff was in & getting themselves ready for the show. Cal knocked on our door informing us we had to be ready to leave the hotel by 9pm. That gave us roughly 35 minutes to get ready. As I got out the shower I could hear LQ - my room mate, reciting his lyrics over a instrumental beat he had playing off his phone and doing push ups. This got me ampted...when artist are about to perform they get into
"their own zone". As I began to unwine Sapphire Monet stopped by my room, being she was the only female artist on the tour with us I took this as an opportunity to get to know her a little more one on one. I found it odd when she told me she sings "Funk Rock" .I had no idea what that exactly sound like, so you know I had to inquire more.
After she left to get ready for the show, next thing I know I hear Worldarama's voice coming from the hotel hallway. I peeked out my room door and there he was, Worldarama, chopping it up with a few people with his camera in one hand and a cup in his hand. I couldn't help but smile to myself because when he's around THE CAMERA IS ALWAYS ROLLING & nothing is off limits. If you know Worldarama you know it's a "Shake Fest" ready to happen at any given time. Lol.
As I waited for us to leave and head to the show at " Max Blue's Cafe" Jimmie Bones & Stef Ta Def (Worldarama's nephew & artist) some how ended up in our room chopping it up with LQ... As I fixed my makeup and did my hair in the bathroom I couldn't help but to listen in on LQ, Jimmie Bones and Stef Ta Def 's conversation. I tried to pay very close attention to everything Jimmie Bones had to say. It's just something about an intelligent young black man that knows the business. As they continued their conversation about us running late to the show, rappers in the music game, producers , who's in what camp/ group... All of a sudden the conversation switched to "artist who use other artist's lyrics and portray them as their own". Ohhhhh did it get heated and a bigger discussion emerged. Wish I could share the dirt *sighs*. Within a few minutes we all headed towards the lobby to see what was taking so long for us to leave: as we waited for everyone to come outside to the tour bus, pictures were taken and mini drops were done.
It didn't take us long to get to the venue. Before we pulled up to the spot " Max Blue's Cafe" all artist were warned that we were pressed for time on stage. As we arrived at the venue there was a nice amount of people standing in the front of the entrance. It was SHOW TIME! We all got off one by one, Raymond's manager and Young Dom's camera dude were filming immediately; the greeting we received as we all entered the venue was nothing but love. Being we were running late, the show had already started by the time we got there. The host from Boston, Seventhree EZ, was on stage greeting the next group to the stage, I spotted Black Lotto walking backstage to talk to Seventhree EZ and Pretty Poission (the host and connect of Boston), I was right on his heels. I didn't care how rushed we were. I was getting shine on that stage... & I DID GET MY 30 SECONDS OF SHINE...well it was more like 3 minutes lol! Three white dudes with green button up- long sleeve collar shirts on walked on stage. I don't know what they were "trying" to showcase, but rapping definitely wasn't their talent (no disrespect). Not only was the sound system messing up but this group wasn't cutting it. If this was a competition this group would of need disqualified within the first 20 seconds. I checked out the spot, walking from side to side; leaving a few of my promo fliers on a few of the tables and networked with the Boston crowd. As I waited for the white group to end, a young lady my the name Socially CeCe walked up to me. She was very interested in what I was there doing / my position on the tour etc.; being she worked in the same entertainment field. Before the night was over luck had it were I got to do a mini interview with Socially CeCe on the balcony of the club.
It was #LacedUp!

Her artist set the stage for Worldarama and Stef Ta Def who CLOSED THE SHOW SOMETHING SERIOUS with their hit single "Shake Fest". The stage was packed to the max. The strippers hand the audience chanting "it's a shake fest, shake fest shake fest" as they shaked their "tail feathers" within about a minute or two into the song the music completely STOPS. We all looked over at DJ N.O. to see what happened. I thought the poor music system broke, but the spot cut the music completely due them closing at 1am. WTF right !!???!!! It was #LacedUp though, even when they stopped the music Stef kept on reciting his lyrics and the crowd was still dancing. Unfortunately three artist: LQ The King, Raymond and Jimmie Bones didn't get to showcase their talent due to the venue shouting down so abrupt. YES TENSION filled the air...you could cut it with a knife. I felt so bad, because I knew they we prepared to do damage to the stage like the other artist from N.Y. who got to perform. In between performances they alternated between Boston artist and New York artist, let's not forget the fucked up sound system squeaking and blowing the base every other minute. There were two Boston artists who turnt the stage UP THO. Wish I remembered their names.
When we got outside there was a party bus waiting for us courtesy of Seventhree EZ and Pretty Poisson, the same strippers that were in the spot performing on stage with the Boston artist and Worldarama set were on the bus as well with a few Boston people. I was good. They didn't have nothing on a bad ass stripper from N.Y. if you ask me. Truth be told everyone on the tour bus went back to the hotel instead of joining the Boston people on the party bus.
Now some would say this is when the REAL PARTY STARTED! You know the saying "the freaks come out at night". Things got a little interesting if you ask me. You had people room hopping, taking pictures, playing music, playing games, drinking, hunting for food, trying to hook up and "extra activities".... Don't forget Worldarama and Dom TMO's camera dude filming having a good time. About an hour of us being back at the hotel we were informed the party bus was outside and whoever wanted to go could. I opted to stay at the hotel - they had no real destination but a few people eventuality joined them. I heard Worldarama and Raymod made their own "Shake Fest" on that party bus cause he was DONE for the next few hours... LITERALLY hhmmmm .... ;I kicked it with DJ Wes Will and his homeboy for a little before retiring to my room. I didn't know where LQ dipped off to but I found myself in my room with Sapphire Monet and Young Boogs. They did most of the talking amongst themselves as I sat on LQ's bed taking in the entire day and enjoying the moment... I was on tour. This has been something I wanted to do for a long time (though its my 2nd tour with Team Inkredible), this time around it was different for me...loved how everything was coming together.
8am the alarm was ringing in my ear. I most of been on 2 hours of sleep maximum. 2nd day on the road and I was energized like I had a full 8 hours of sleep. We ate breakfast, I took a dip in the hotel pool, showered, got dressed and waited in the hotel lounge for everyone else to check out. I pulled my camera out and started filming a few of the artist one by one. I used this opportunity to get to know them a little bit more, I also felt that this gave each artist a better insight on each other - being I was conducting the interview as they watched and listened. We checked out and headed to our next destination, Connecticut: Club Symmetry.
Symmetry was jumping as we pulled up. People lined up outside, going in and out, talking in groups and smoking. They had a battle event going on inside, we waited a few hours before our showcase started; mingling with fellow artist, checking out our new surroundings and filming. I walked inside - it felt like a "Smack DVD" battle. Two artist on stage going back to back with diss lines as the crowd reacted to the one with the hottest bars by cheering or clapping and snickering at the opponent being dissed.
Few hours passed, once again it was SHOW TIME: ROUND 2!! Jimmie Bones opened up this time, his white boy swag bringing the heat including his smash single "Bad Bitches & Good Weed". I swear he's Big Sean's twin ... voice and all. I'm sure you all remember him from the last tour; his creativity and intellect as an young man is beyond his time. Raymond did his thing with his ladies track "Toast (L'chaim)".
LQ couldn't wait to touch the stage (his adrenaline was pumped from not being able to perform the night previously. So you know he showed his ass on that stage), when he did all eyes were on him. He gave an "Inkredible" freestyle that touched on the rap game, the struggle, life lessons and what he wants in life. Young Dom held the key to the night/ event. He held the gateway that we needed for Connecticut artist and New York Artist to unite for the night and start a life time music friendship. There was a group of artist that all had light green bandanas, one of them even had a shirt on that read " We don't got love for New York". Yikes right.... A few of us felt uncomfortable and little chats were circulating about it, all of that negative energy went out the window once Young Dom invited them onto the stage as he did his set for "Let Me" OH BOOYYYYYY!! THE STAGE WAS ON FIRE!!! Young Dom had that music group partying on stage with him as if he knew them for years; the crowd went crazy, chanting and jumping out their seats. Dox ripped the stage with "Wildin'"!! I was astonished at his performance. He took the crowd by storm as he recited "Before I leave the crib I kiss my baby girl, trynna get this money in this crazy world, they WILDIN for respect...." He diminished the stage - well in this case floor. The crowd was hype!!! Cheering and clapping before his song was even finished.
After the show ended, I waited inside with Craig (Nght Wolf) talking to him about the weekend and a few of the performances. D.J. N.O. comes over and asks:
"We going to another hotel after this or we going home?".
I responded: "Why, you have to be at work early in the morning?"
D.J. N.O.: "Nah,this is my job. I just want to sleep in my bed."
I smiled. His simple response motived the hell out of me. Who wouldn't want to travel, party, meet new people for a living and get paid for it at the same time? To work for a check is one thing, but to do what you love to do and get that check afterwards is even better! I can't wait to be at that stage where Dj N.O. is. N.O. I respect your grind and hard work. I met you when no one knew my name. You befriended me in this music game without question and have been supporting me ever since. There's a bright future waiting for you. Keep grinding N.O. I salute you. See you at the top.
There were five phenomenal artist that left an imprint on me while on tour with them:
(no particular order) Young Dom, LQ the King, Jimmie Bones & Sapphire Monet, and Komplex. Young Dom has the entire package. Talent, looks, drive, character... Don't let the baby face fool you. LQ the King has that fire, his tongue is a lyrical weapon itself! Jimmie Bones has the business smarts of a leader. His music abilities has the capabilities to not only make it mainstream but cross over into that pop market. Sapphire Monet brings that funk that the music industry is missing. She has that soul music like Jill Scoot... Indie Arie.