Who is Abyss Da Dark & Panama? What state / borough do you represent? How did you guys meet ?
Abyss Da Dark & Panama Red is a rapper & producer duo making good music. We mostly do Hip-Hop at the moment. We are both from Brooklyn, New York. We met about 4 years ago, I believe, through a mutual friend.When I first heard his beats. I wasn't insanely impressed but I heard potential. The year after that is when I started to write over his work. I would call him up and rap whatever I wrote. Day after day this would happen until we agreed to make a project together. It all started with "Forever And A Day" back in the summer of 2009.
Who produced & directed THE REUNION ? Did the video capture the image you we trying to give off?
The video was shot & directed by Geoff Dalecez. Honestly he had his own vision for the video and I put my trust into what he saw. I'm very pleased with the way it came out and the concept behind it. I think its a very entertaining video and the reception has been great so far. I'm glad people like it. I actually busted a sweat for it.
Why is this track entitled "the Reunion:? The reunion of &/or from what?
Me and Red released our first project together (Forever And A Day) late 2009. After that me nor him dropped anything for an entire year. It was coming close to the two year mark and we decided to release some music. The Reunion was one of the last records we did for the From My Heart With Love project. One of the first records I recorded that was a beat he made with his MPC. It represented our growth and the union that we created on Forever And A Day. We both sound more polished and experienced. Its one of my favorite records.
With a chorus like this one,... how important was it to come up with these lyrics?
I honestly just wanted to flex my lyrical muscles on that record. The chorus came pretty easy. It just flowed right off my tongue. Similar story with the verses. A tad bit arrogant because of all the new found attention and support. That's truly how that record came about. Me and Red showing out. Letting folks know we were back with another one.
What does "#WEUP mean / stand for? I see you use this term a lot ...not just in this video.
It was inspired by my homie Brookz. He's an artist from Canada but moved out to Brooklyn. We support each other and do records together. At one point in time he was garnering alot of attention from different folks. Some people saw that and started to throw some shade in his direction. I'm not exactly sure how I thought of it but it was my way of telling him to keep on trucking. Regardless of what negativity may be going on around you or what direction life may pull you in its imperative to keep your head above the clouds and continue to dream. It represents never allowing anything to deter you from your goals. After saying it a couple of times via social media it caught fire. People identified with it or just enjoyed saying it. So now its #WeUp! Holler it when you see us.
Who or what are some attributions that you would like to contribute to your music career?
My families love and support has definitely kept me afloat. Garnering new listeners has helped build my confidence. My elder brother constantly inspires me to push for my dream. I truly do this for the both of us. Aside from my artistic abilities I think my humility is what has helped me to connect with people and build relationships with different folks. I come across as normal and they identify with that.
What separates you from other up & coming rap artist?
Honestly I don't know. I'm sure some of my supporters can answer that question. There's alot of dope artist out there, heard and unheard. I'm just trying to display my talents and my sound. Hope I can catch ears along the journey.
How would you describe your "sound" as an artist?
Emotions bottled in a record. I like to wear my heart on my sleeve. Regardless if it sounds cool or not I speak on my life and the lives of those around me. Whether it be my struggles, hopes, aspirations, etc. I try to keep it honest. Experimenting lately with alternative music. I like to try new things musically and push myself to become better. I love music in general.
Are you happy with where Hip-Hop today ? I'm very pleased with Hip Hop music. I think people put too much emphasis on the mainstream and don't focus on the full spectrum. If you go on a website and take a chance with a new artist you might be pleased to hear what you can find. There's plenty of talented artist out there. Just waiting for you to click on there link or attend a show. The only thing I don't like is that there is no balance mainstream wise. Play everything and give the audience a chance to choose what they like. But its up to the artist and the people to change that. We have more power than we realize. But yeah, I'm happy with the way Hip-Hop is moving.
What can we expect from you in the next 3 years (music wise) ?
Hopefully I'll be on tour sharing my music with the world. Working on my EP at the moment. No release date and not focused on one. Just working on making sure people really enjoy this record. After that me and Red are gonna start working on our third project together. More collaborations and videos and all that. Trying to stay focused and elevate at the pace I'm supposed to.
NewShoes ADVICE from Abyss Da Dark : Work smart and keep your eyes on the prize. Constantly grow and keep an open mind. Learn from your mistakes. Make yourself a plan execute and stay oncourse. #WeUp FOR BOOKINGS & FEATURES:edwardzmanagement@gmail.com
CHECK OUT ABYSS DA DARK MUSIC: www.abyssdadark.com & http://www.redonthemp.bandcamp.com/
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