Society Check
Written By
Ms. NewShoes & Vincent Edwards

We are listening.
They say “the world” is “ours”. How
can the world be ours when children are growing up without parents, letting
the streets train their actions; adopting to the transformation of mankind?
Little girls mimic videos and television thinking that provocative attire, high
heels and make up is the new wave to be noticed or liked by their peers? Men
captive to the walls of society never to see freedom again because of their
absent fathers leaving them to fend and provide for the rest of their families,
misguided by the eyes of the four walls. Grandparents left to cater to
generations that will question themselves due to the missing pieces shattered
from broken promises and lies.
Please continue on.
They ask who I am. How can I demand
the man with the gavel to look into the mirror and see that we are all Trayvon
Martin? Who am I to question their authority and judge their verdicts? So you
criticize me for my beliefs and then pick at my character? Am I not the one
that was left like an orphan on the steps of a church? Did you not see my tears
drop on hurt and betrayal as my screams fell on deaf ears? How can you measure
my achievements when you are the first to shoot holes at my plato cutting off
my path to righteousness?
We understand.
There is no peace in
which can be made from the time of ones birth to their grave and the only thing
that can be saved is the small bit of justice rended down from those who are
not perfect, yet put in position to make the right decision every time.
We understand that
the youth of today is far from the generation of yesterday and the ways we
carried don't seem to exist anymore. We know it is hard when they look for
their fathers and they are gone. Which we feel pain in our hearts for their
lost for the man behind the metal bars.
We feel for the
tears you had to cry, and the strength you put out to reach for your dreams and
a better life. We feel for your lost hopes and broken wishes which never came
true. We feel for the fact of everything you went through.
We still feel you are
guilty and that is the verdict we render upon you, just because we choose to.
**Blue writting is Ms. NewShoes and Black writing is Vincent Edwards**
deep ... truth alive
ReplyDeletethanks girl :)
ReplyDeleteFeeling your piece Shoes